Registering a new company and getting good foundations for the future can appear daunting and time consuming. When starting a new business, it is important to get expert advice as soon as possible. Our advice will include the most beneficial structure for your new business (sole trader, partnership or limited company) and can even help put together a business plan for any fundraising or banking requirements. We can search for company name availability and register it instantly as well as handling the setup and processing of incorporation documents and shareholder certificates, allowing you to focus on the more important matter of building your new business.
Further to this, we are always keen to advise on industry-specific setup choices and advantageous tax structuring and schemes that could benefit you as well as advising on any useful funding options available to you. This comes at no additional cost — a dedicated formation company does not offer these important services which will boost your business at its inception, or will refer you to an associated accountancy firm for a large commission.
Do I need to have a business plan?
Not necessarily but it can often be a valuable tool when laying out your idea and having a clear aim for the future. A transparent business plan will, however, always want to be seen by any funding sources such as banks or investors searching for a business partner. The same can often be said for research into specific products or services you are hoping to offer for sale.
How much does it cost to form a limited company?
We can register a limited company in your name for as little as £50, with digital incorporation documents and share certificates sent to you. With digital documents now acknowledged as equal to paper documents, there is little need to have the traditional printed and bound copy of setup documents but this remains an option for new company formations.
LR Connections provides expert independent financial advice, accountancy and estate planning services